Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Connections to Play

"My Connections to Play"
“It is in playing, and only in playing, that the individual child or adult is able to be creative and to use the whole personality, and it is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self.” ~ D.W. Winnicott (British pediatrician)
“A child loves his play, not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard.” ~ Benjamin Spock (pediatrician, author)
“It’s not so much what children learn through play, but what they won’t learn if we don’t give them the chance to play. Many functional skills like literacy and  arithmetic can be learned either through play or through instruction – the issue is the amount of stress on the child. However, many coping skills like compassion, self-regulation, self-confidence, the habit of active engagement, and the motivation to learn and be literate cannot be instructed. They can only be learned through self-directed experience (i.e. play). ~ Susan J. Oliver (author, Playing for Keeps)

Growing up as a child, I had many people in my life who supported us to play. My Aunt Angel who lived in Los Angeles, would come to San Jose to pick us up for the summer. When we were at her house she always taught us new games everytime we came. I remember one year she taught us how to double dutch. We even made our own ropes. We went to the store and bought rope and we braided them together. We would play jump rope all day long. She would teach us songs that went along with it.

I remember my neighbor invited all the children in our apartments to play softball. I remember being 5 and not being able to hit a ball let alone catch one. She would bring us home and she would take me aside and practice with me. She would tell me not to worry about hitting or catching the ball. She told me she wanted me to have fun. I started to relax and not focus so much on hitting and catching. I’m so glad she said that me me, those words pushed me to become one of the best softball players in my league.

I think play is completely different from when I was a child. Now kids believe playing video games, texting and playing games on their phones.  I remember my mom would tell me if I come in the house I was the house for the rest of the day. I didn’t want to stay indoors, that was the worst thing ever.  Today children don’t want to go outside, they want to stay indoors and watch TV and talk on their cell phone.  I work with 2nd graders at my church and I love them dearly. They think I’m crazy with some of the games I have them play. I would play games that have them running, jumping and acting silly. At first they didn’t want to do it and now they can’t wait to see what game they will be playing next week  My hope for young children with regards to play is to have fun, exercise and to just be a kid with no worries.

I remember adults teaching me to play hop scotch, double dutch, tag, jacks and dodge ball. Most of the games I played required me to be active. Growing up I always played something. I always wanted to learn new games and continue to play the games I already knew.  I became very active and was involved in sports throughout my childhood and adulthood. I taught my children many games and they still play these games now. I would listen to my children playing with my great-nephew in the bedroom. They were singing the counting song I taught them when they were toddlers. I was surprised they still knew those songs. It amazes me that we teach our children how to play. If we allow them to play video games and watch TV as toddlers, we can’t get mad if they are not active and don’t want to play when they are older. My suggestion is to get ALL children outside and




Relationships are important to me because it’s a true bond with someone I trust to be myself.  Knowing that I have someone who will tell me the truth no matter what is priceless. A relationship is someone I willingly choose to have in my life. I value my trusting, loving relationship I have with my friends and family.


One of the positive relationships I have in my life would be Lee-Ann at my church. She is such a wonderful friend to me. I met her at church volunteering in children’s ministry. We connected immediately and have remained friends for three years.  She is always positive and always smiling.  I remember we both applied for the same job at church. When she realized I applied for the job she immediately told the hiring manager to give the position to me because I was more qualified. She said such amazing things about me during her interview.  She didn’t have to, but she knew my situation and was trying to help me. I have never met someone who would think of someone else in that manner. She is such a selfless person and would give her last if someone needed it. She is truly a blessing in my life and I hope I can be half as giving as she is.

Another positive relationship in my life is my life long friends Subrina.  She is someone I met when I was 4 years old. We have been friends every since and we still talk to this day.  I believe the reason our relationship has lasted so long because she is open and honest. I can tell her anything and it won’t be repeated. We go on vacations together and we never argue over anything. I don’t think we have ever argued in our 30 plus years of knowing each other.  We have such a positive relationship because we respect and value one another.

My daughter’s Rayven and Jasmyne would be a relationship I consider to be positive. Even though I am their mother, they respect what I say. I have learned the older they get the more I have to create a different type of relationship with them.  They have taught me to be more understanding and trusting of people. As a mother I want what is best for there well-being.  They have taught me to be more open to their feelings.  They are such amazing kids and I am blessed to have them as my daughters!!

There are a few challenges to maintain such relationships I listed above. My kids for example, we talk about everything. I have to respond to some questions as a mother and they don’t like what I have to say. I have to remind them that I am their mother and not their friend.  With my life-long friend Subrina we will go a few months without talking and that is hard. I had my kids early and she just started having kids. Our vacations together are basically non-existences now. We have to find time to talk during diaper changing, naps and play dates. 

Some special characteristics of these relationships are what bonded us together. Lee-Ann is completely opposite from me.  She like cats, animals, rock music and video games. I am completely the opposite and that is why we have a special relationship. Even though we are different we still have a lot in common. She talks to me about things I would never discuss and visa versa.  My children and I have a special partnership. I can truly say they are one of a kind, now my boys on the other hand…That’s a different story. But I think my girls and I really respect one another. 

My personal experiences are a huge part of how I react today. I have learned to listen, understand and accept a person for who they are. Appling what I have learned to my childhood profession would be invaluable.  Throughout the years of my life I have learned to accept people for who they are and add to enhance their life. My personal relationships have taught me not to be bias of someone. If I did not accept people for who they are I would miss out on so many wonderful relationships I have in my life.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

"My Connections to Play"

Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning....They have to play with
what they know to be true in order to find out more, and then they can use what they
learn in new forms of play.
--Fred Rogers of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

Play is a major avenue for learning to manage anxiety. It gives the child a safe space
where she can experiment at will, suspending the rules and constraints of physical and
social reality. In play, the child becomes master rather than subject.... Play allows the
child to transcend passivity and to become the active doer of what happens around her.
--Alicia F. Lieberman, author, The Emotional Life --
of the Toddler

"My Connections to Play"

When I was growing up I had so many people in my life that supported play in my life. I remember going to my Aunts house every summer. When we got there she would give us $20 and told us we can buy anything in the store, but do not go over. That was my first lesson in math (money).  I use to go over my neighbor’s house and play with my best friend when I was four. Her mom would set out blocks on one end of the room.  We would have to get them and run to the other side of the room and match them accordingly; blue circles, red squares, purple hearts, etc…
I believe that learning through play is completely different now.  I think daycares are focusing more on sitting children in chairs and teaching them. I believe there is a time and place for everything. I remember interning at a daycare when I was 14, I had so much fun. We played all day long. When I interned at a daycare for my undergrad it was completely different. The children played but it wasn’t the same.  I believe that children at a younger should be able to explore through play.  This is the best way I feel a child will learn or figure things out. Schools are eliminating recess and focusing more on desk learning. How can a child use their imagination if they are being taught what to believe? When I was growing up no one told me what to believe I learned it through play.  When children play it is natural, why not include learning.  I hope when I open my daycare I will continue to allow children to learn through play.
I have such wonderful memories as a child. I remember playing all day long. My mom would ask me what did I do at school and I would tell her I played. That’s all I could remember, but when I finished kindergarten I was at a first grade level in math and reading. My children are in middle school and they would come home singing songs about preposition. They would also come home with math board games.  I believe that children going through adult hood will always learn through play. Play is in our nature, so we should embrace it and have fun while learning.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Relationships are important to me because they help me to become the person I am meant to be in life. Relationships help keep me grounded and loved.

My children, sisters, Elementary Pastor and childhood friends are just a few positive partnership/relationships in my life.

Being able to openly communicate with my children and being honest is one of the healthiest things I’ve done in my life. My children are older and I can’t just say to them “Do as I say”. That doesn’t work anymore, I have to be able to listen to them when they are frustrated, angry and happy.  This will allow me to create and maintain my relationship with my children. 
Growing up with siblings I was more known as the quiet one.  I really didn’t know how to communicate with them and we didn’t hang out as much. Now that I’m older, I’ve learned that my two sisters’ are my rock and they will do anything for me. I’ve learned to develop a bond where we are here for one another.   
My Elementary Pastor at my church has been such an encouraged foundation for me and my children. Even though he is not my children’s Pastor, but he has created a relationship to where my children can come to him openly.  He has showed me many different ways to communicate with my children and the children at my church.  He is a constant encouragement in my ear. He always has time for me and my children for fun or one on one.
  There is nothing like having your childhood friends still in your life as an adult. This group of people, I have created relationships that I will always maintain and we will continue to grow daily. Having friends that I have known for thirty-three years of my life is priceless. This group of friends will tell you how it is and will not sugar coat anything. Some things you may not want to hear but you need to hear. We have created a relationship of love, positive enforcement and communication that is much needed in my life.
Some of the challenges I face to maintaining these relationships are being able to hear things that I don’t want to hear. I have learned throughout the years that my friends, family and loved ones will tell me things that can only make me stronger in life. 

A special characteristic I see in each relationship I have created in my life is honesty. If you can’t be yourself around your group of people you’ve allowed in your circle/life, then you’re really being the person God meant for you to be.

Working in the childhood profession and my experience with relationship/partnerships go hand and hand. If you are up front with the parents and communicate with them and children will allow you to let them know what you expect up front. Listening to others who are able to help you help others are priceless. I believe working in the early childhood profession is one of the best rewarding jobs ever. I believe that you have to be open to change and realize that we can’t do this on our own.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I would like to say thank you to Mary Loreman, Amy Owens, Shaquitla Laster, Candace Kirchner and to the rest of classmates in EDUC 6161.  You have all been an inspiration to me. I have learned from each and every one of you. Reading your blogs I have gained knowledge and insight in the early childhood field. So I would like to say THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!
Hope to see you all in a few days.   :)
Vennetta Henderson

A Quote and a Prayer!!

Your children will see what you're all about by
what you live rather than what you say."
Wayne Dyer

Pray For Your Children

At times, as a parent, I can feel so useless and so overwhelmed because so much is being thrown in my kids' direction! But I have realized that I don't have to experience those feelings. I can feel an inner peace, calm and strength by drawing on one source of power: prayer!
I pray for my children. I pray about lots of things. I pray that they will accept Jesus into their hearts and devote their lives to serving Him. I pray for their future spouses - that they are being raised by loving parents in Godly homes, and that they will be taught how to treat my children as their husband or wife someday. I pray for their friendships and for their hearts' concerns. Let me tell you, nothing gives my heart more joy or peace than to know that my children are daily in God's hands!
You can pray for your children anywhere and at any time. Pray for them in the shower, while driving, kneeling by your bedside or actually WITH your child at bedtime. I also have note cards that I rotate on our bathroom mirror. They contain a scripture verse related to what character quality my husband and I pray will grow in our children's hearts, souls and lives on a daily basis. We have cards for responsibility, hospitality, generosity, compassion, humility, contentment, humility, contentment and more.
There are so many influences trying to affect and direct the growth of our children's lives. I want to equip them with as much as I can. What better tool is there than prayer?
These little ones (and big ones as the case may be) are precious treasures. Take the time today to invest in their hearts and souls for a lifetime by praying for them.
There is no greater testimony of your love.  
Author: Dionna Sanchez

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Testing for Intelligence

I believe young children holistically should be measured or assessed.  With that said; we need to figure out how to accurately create an appropriate system of measurement.  If you decide to measure a child on any aspect, I believe you should take into consideration their background, culture, language, and experience.  “Assessment procedures should therefore indicate which of the strategies and resources available and judged appropriate have been employed to help each individual child.” (Katz)  If not accurately assessed or measured some students will rank higher and lower than others students in certain areas.
In South Korea they have created a culturally non-biased assessment specifically designed for international schools.  In order to do this they meet weekly with the students and parents to discuss their concerns academically and personally.  The teachers then have a discussion with a panel of specialist in each area and use this information for assessments.  In Busan the classrooms are a lot smaller so the teachers can create an appropriate curriculum for each student.  The diagnostic reports enable teachers to monitor group and individual performance, tailor individual student learning programms and provide information for reporting to parents.” (International school of,  2008).  This type of assessment is used until the children reach high school.
I believe South Korea has the appropriate way to assess children. I believe you should take every aspect of a child when learning.  Assessments should be culturally or academically appropriate for each student.  I pray one day the United States will adopt this type of assessment. 
Katz, L. (n.d.). A developmental approach to assessment of young children. Retrieved from
International school of busan, a world-wide family school. (2008). Retrieved from

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Consequences of Stress on Children's Development

When I was 6 years old, I remember I woke up late for school. I didn’t have enough time to make my lunch and decided to go without food for the whole day.  By 10 am I realized how hungry I was and that’s all I could think about.  I didn’t want to tell the teacher I didn’t have money or food. I was embarrassed to say anything or ask my friends for part of their lunch. I went through the lunch line and asked the lunch lady for a lunch and I would pay her back tomorrow. (I didn’t have any money to give her but I said anything to get something to eat).  To my surprise she told me no and I had to “starve” the whole day. I wanted to cry, my stomach was growling and I made myself have a headache worrying about not eating.  I know they have change the process when kids are without food. At my children's school they will supply a child with at least a sandwhich and something to drink. 
When I think about the situation I went through and how I was “starving” all day. This does not compare the children in Haiti. In 2008 Port-au-Prince were having Riots due to the cost of food was raising and not enough supply for everyone.  Since families could not support their families they turned to looting.  One person is not going to be able to fix the whole problem but one person can make a difference in someone’s life and help create a more peaceful life for them.  “The U.S.-backed president has pledged to build up Haitian agriculture and make the country more self-sufficient.”  (Miller, 2008) I we can help them become more self-sufficient, when a crises arise again. they will be able to at least sustain.
Miller, M. (04, 12 2008). Food shortages herald "new era of hunger". CBS World News, Retrieved from;contentBody

Friday, March 11, 2011


Breast feeding is meaningful to me because I was not properly informed about the huge impact it has on infants.  Breast feeding is very beneficial for infants, some benefits are:
·         It’s easily digested in babies sensitive digestive tracts.
·         Provides infants with antibodies to fight off diseases.
·         Promotes intimacy and closeness between mom and baby
·         It’s convenient, always fresh, warm and ready and can be done anywhere
In the United States we have options; we can either breast feed or use formula. Formula is not the same as breast milk; it does not contain the antibodies the baby would get from breast milk. Breast feeding is always the best option for infants but if you are not able you can use formula.
In other countries you don’t have options of how you will feed your baby.   In West Africa the drinking water can’t be trusted to mix formula and some can’t afford to purchase what they need to bottle feed.  In the United States society treats breast feeding as if it were a bad thing. In Africa society treat nursing mothers like they are feeding their child and normal. The mothers are open and friendly about breast feeding.  They are confident and welcome the bonding experience between mother and baby.

Woman breast feeding her child at church

I have learned that women produce milk for a reason. As a mother we should at least try it and give your baby the proper nutrients they deserve.  When I open my daycare I will welcome mothers to breastfeed their infant. If there is anything I can do to make the process easier for the parent and child, I will do so. If I have more children I will definitely try breast feeding this time around.

Berger, K. S. (2009). The developing person through childhood (5th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.

Sokol, E. (2007). Protecting breastfeeding in west and central africa:. Retrieved from

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My personal birthing experience

I would like to talk about the birth of my youngest son Shawn. I’ve had two children already and I knew what to expect. Little did I know it would be an experience I would never forget. I remember two weeks before my due date the doctor told me I can give birth at any time. That night after work I started having contractions.  I went to the hospital so I wouldn’t miss my chance of getting an epidural.  I made it on time and I received the epidural. My contractions were different this time, they seemed stronger this time. When I received my epidural I leaned to the left because I was in the middle of a contraction.
My contractions were coming faster and faster I was excited to finally be with my precious new baby. I kept thinking wow this hurts and it’s not supposed to. It started hurting more and more I was so scared. After three hours of painful labor I delivered a healthy baby boy.
After I had my son Shawn I couldn’t walk for three days. I found out that when I received my epidural and leaned my whole body to the left cause it not to work properly. This is why I  had a painful pregnancy.
I chose to discuss my last son’s birthing experience because it was like having a natural birth.   It was very painful and I don’t see why some women don’t use the epidural.  I do believe that a natural birth and being in a controlled facility is probably the best way in regards to child development.  You never know what is going to happen, like my son the doctor had to keep giving me a dose of epidural. Even though it didn’t work but they were available when needed.
I read about Indonesia and how they have one doctor for thousands of pregnant women. They have chosen to use midwives to help with the delivery of newborns. Years ago they only had 6000 or 7000 midwives and now they train almost 11000 midwives a year. Most of the births are done at home and if they go to clinics they don’t have any walls. 
I have learned that our birthing experiences are completely different. We have a many options and the people in Indonesia don’t.  I was able to have many people help me when needed and they were always there. In Indonesia it is usually one person to help with the delivery of a child.  After reading about other countries and their birthing experience I have realized that I am a blessed individual and should not complain over small things.
Crossette, R. (1994). A third-world effort on family planning. The New York Times,

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I-1.3—To recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities, and potential of each child.
I want every child to have the opportunity to learn and become the best person they can be.  As an educator we need to understand how a child learns. We need to create a learning environment that is best suited for each individual child.
I-1.8—To support the right of each child to play and learn in an inclusive environment that meets the needs of children with and without disabilities.
I believe all children should learn through play, which is the best way to learn. Each child should feel comfortable and have a place that is suited for them. Each child should have a learning environment that has the correct resources for them.
I-1.12—To work with families to provide a safe and smooth transition as children and families move from one program to the next.
Children do not have the say on which daycare they have to go to. They don’t have the choice if they move to another daycare. As an educator we can make the transition smooth for each child. Working closely with the family and how they adapted to the old daycare will allow us to create a smooth transition.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Words of Inspiration and Motivation"

"Henceforth play is such that the explanation for it must always be that it is the imaginary, illusory realization of unrealizable desires. Imagination is a new formation that is not present in the consciousness of the very raw young child, is totally absent in animals, and represents a specifically human form of conscious activity. Like all functions of consciousness, it originally arises from action." (Vygotsky, 1978)

As children get older, their reliance on pivots such as sticks, dolls and other toys diminishes. They have internalized these pivots as imagination and abstract concepts through which they can understand the world. "The old adage that children’s play is imagination in action can be reversed: we can say that imagination in adolescents and schoolchildren is play without action" (Vygotsky, 1978).

"Religion has always been an important part of my life — a subconscious influence, as well as a conscious directive." ~ Dr. Abigail Elliot

Video Program: The Passion for Early Childhood

"My passion comes from wanting to make a difference." ~ Raymond Hernandez MS Ed

"A lot of this work is equity work as far as I'm concerned." ~ Renatta M. Cooper

Saturday, January 15, 2011

One of my favorite children's book "May I Bring A Friend"

This is one of my favorite books I love to read to my children.  My kids love animals and they would get excited everytime I read this book.  After we would read the book we would go to the local zoo and look at all the animals.  We would talk about all the animals we read about in the book and go visit them.  Brings back wonderful memories.

Quote about children and how I feel

We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.  ~Stacia Tauscher

Sunday, January 9, 2011

First time Blogger

First time blogging and look forward to see what this has to offer.