Saturday, April 23, 2011


I would like to say thank you to Mary Loreman, Amy Owens, Shaquitla Laster, Candace Kirchner and to the rest of classmates in EDUC 6161.  You have all been an inspiration to me. I have learned from each and every one of you. Reading your blogs I have gained knowledge and insight in the early childhood field. So I would like to say THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!
Hope to see you all in a few days.   :)
Vennetta Henderson

A Quote and a Prayer!!

Your children will see what you're all about by
what you live rather than what you say."
Wayne Dyer

Pray For Your Children

At times, as a parent, I can feel so useless and so overwhelmed because so much is being thrown in my kids' direction! But I have realized that I don't have to experience those feelings. I can feel an inner peace, calm and strength by drawing on one source of power: prayer!
I pray for my children. I pray about lots of things. I pray that they will accept Jesus into their hearts and devote their lives to serving Him. I pray for their future spouses - that they are being raised by loving parents in Godly homes, and that they will be taught how to treat my children as their husband or wife someday. I pray for their friendships and for their hearts' concerns. Let me tell you, nothing gives my heart more joy or peace than to know that my children are daily in God's hands!
You can pray for your children anywhere and at any time. Pray for them in the shower, while driving, kneeling by your bedside or actually WITH your child at bedtime. I also have note cards that I rotate on our bathroom mirror. They contain a scripture verse related to what character quality my husband and I pray will grow in our children's hearts, souls and lives on a daily basis. We have cards for responsibility, hospitality, generosity, compassion, humility, contentment, humility, contentment and more.
There are so many influences trying to affect and direct the growth of our children's lives. I want to equip them with as much as I can. What better tool is there than prayer?
These little ones (and big ones as the case may be) are precious treasures. Take the time today to invest in their hearts and souls for a lifetime by praying for them.
There is no greater testimony of your love.  
Author: Dionna Sanchez

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Testing for Intelligence

I believe young children holistically should be measured or assessed.  With that said; we need to figure out how to accurately create an appropriate system of measurement.  If you decide to measure a child on any aspect, I believe you should take into consideration their background, culture, language, and experience.  “Assessment procedures should therefore indicate which of the strategies and resources available and judged appropriate have been employed to help each individual child.” (Katz)  If not accurately assessed or measured some students will rank higher and lower than others students in certain areas.
In South Korea they have created a culturally non-biased assessment specifically designed for international schools.  In order to do this they meet weekly with the students and parents to discuss their concerns academically and personally.  The teachers then have a discussion with a panel of specialist in each area and use this information for assessments.  In Busan the classrooms are a lot smaller so the teachers can create an appropriate curriculum for each student.  The diagnostic reports enable teachers to monitor group and individual performance, tailor individual student learning programms and provide information for reporting to parents.” (International school of,  2008).  This type of assessment is used until the children reach high school.
I believe South Korea has the appropriate way to assess children. I believe you should take every aspect of a child when learning.  Assessments should be culturally or academically appropriate for each student.  I pray one day the United States will adopt this type of assessment. 
Katz, L. (n.d.). A developmental approach to assessment of young children. Retrieved from
International school of busan, a world-wide family school. (2008). Retrieved from