When I was 6 years old, I remember I woke up late for school. I didn’t have enough time to make my lunch and decided to go without food for the whole day. By 10 am I realized how hungry I was and that’s all I could think about. I didn’t want to tell the teacher I didn’t have money or food. I was embarrassed to say anything or ask my friends for part of their lunch. I went through the lunch line and asked the lunch lady for a lunch and I would pay her back tomorrow. (I didn’t have any money to give her but I said anything to get something to eat). To my surprise she told me no and I had to “starve” the whole day. I wanted to cry, my stomach was growling and I made myself have a headache worrying about not eating. I know they have change the process when kids are without food. At my children's school they will supply a child with at least a sandwhich and something to drink.
When I think about the situation I went through and how I was “starving” all day. This does not compare the children in Haiti. In 2008 Port-au-Prince were having Riots due to the cost of food was raising and not enough supply for everyone. Since families could not support their families they turned to looting. One person is not going to be able to fix the whole problem but one person can make a difference in someone’s life and help create a more peaceful life for them. “The U.S.-backed president has pledged to build up Haitian agriculture and make the country more self-sufficient.” (Miller, 2008) I we can help them become more self-sufficient, when a crises arise again. they will be able to at least sustain.
Miller, M. (04, 12 2008). Food shortages herald "new era of hunger". CBS World News, Retrieved from http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/04/12/world/main4011253.shtml?tag=contentMain;contentBody