Saturday, March 26, 2011

Consequences of Stress on Children's Development

When I was 6 years old, I remember I woke up late for school. I didn’t have enough time to make my lunch and decided to go without food for the whole day.  By 10 am I realized how hungry I was and that’s all I could think about.  I didn’t want to tell the teacher I didn’t have money or food. I was embarrassed to say anything or ask my friends for part of their lunch. I went through the lunch line and asked the lunch lady for a lunch and I would pay her back tomorrow. (I didn’t have any money to give her but I said anything to get something to eat).  To my surprise she told me no and I had to “starve” the whole day. I wanted to cry, my stomach was growling and I made myself have a headache worrying about not eating.  I know they have change the process when kids are without food. At my children's school they will supply a child with at least a sandwhich and something to drink. 
When I think about the situation I went through and how I was “starving” all day. This does not compare the children in Haiti. In 2008 Port-au-Prince were having Riots due to the cost of food was raising and not enough supply for everyone.  Since families could not support their families they turned to looting.  One person is not going to be able to fix the whole problem but one person can make a difference in someone’s life and help create a more peaceful life for them.  “The U.S.-backed president has pledged to build up Haitian agriculture and make the country more self-sufficient.”  (Miller, 2008) I we can help them become more self-sufficient, when a crises arise again. they will be able to at least sustain.
Miller, M. (04, 12 2008). Food shortages herald "new era of hunger". CBS World News, Retrieved from;contentBody

Friday, March 11, 2011


Breast feeding is meaningful to me because I was not properly informed about the huge impact it has on infants.  Breast feeding is very beneficial for infants, some benefits are:
·         It’s easily digested in babies sensitive digestive tracts.
·         Provides infants with antibodies to fight off diseases.
·         Promotes intimacy and closeness between mom and baby
·         It’s convenient, always fresh, warm and ready and can be done anywhere
In the United States we have options; we can either breast feed or use formula. Formula is not the same as breast milk; it does not contain the antibodies the baby would get from breast milk. Breast feeding is always the best option for infants but if you are not able you can use formula.
In other countries you don’t have options of how you will feed your baby.   In West Africa the drinking water can’t be trusted to mix formula and some can’t afford to purchase what they need to bottle feed.  In the United States society treats breast feeding as if it were a bad thing. In Africa society treat nursing mothers like they are feeding their child and normal. The mothers are open and friendly about breast feeding.  They are confident and welcome the bonding experience between mother and baby.

Woman breast feeding her child at church

I have learned that women produce milk for a reason. As a mother we should at least try it and give your baby the proper nutrients they deserve.  When I open my daycare I will welcome mothers to breastfeed their infant. If there is anything I can do to make the process easier for the parent and child, I will do so. If I have more children I will definitely try breast feeding this time around.

Berger, K. S. (2009). The developing person through childhood (5th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.

Sokol, E. (2007). Protecting breastfeeding in west and central africa:. Retrieved from

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My personal birthing experience

I would like to talk about the birth of my youngest son Shawn. I’ve had two children already and I knew what to expect. Little did I know it would be an experience I would never forget. I remember two weeks before my due date the doctor told me I can give birth at any time. That night after work I started having contractions.  I went to the hospital so I wouldn’t miss my chance of getting an epidural.  I made it on time and I received the epidural. My contractions were different this time, they seemed stronger this time. When I received my epidural I leaned to the left because I was in the middle of a contraction.
My contractions were coming faster and faster I was excited to finally be with my precious new baby. I kept thinking wow this hurts and it’s not supposed to. It started hurting more and more I was so scared. After three hours of painful labor I delivered a healthy baby boy.
After I had my son Shawn I couldn’t walk for three days. I found out that when I received my epidural and leaned my whole body to the left cause it not to work properly. This is why I  had a painful pregnancy.
I chose to discuss my last son’s birthing experience because it was like having a natural birth.   It was very painful and I don’t see why some women don’t use the epidural.  I do believe that a natural birth and being in a controlled facility is probably the best way in regards to child development.  You never know what is going to happen, like my son the doctor had to keep giving me a dose of epidural. Even though it didn’t work but they were available when needed.
I read about Indonesia and how they have one doctor for thousands of pregnant women. They have chosen to use midwives to help with the delivery of newborns. Years ago they only had 6000 or 7000 midwives and now they train almost 11000 midwives a year. Most of the births are done at home and if they go to clinics they don’t have any walls. 
I have learned that our birthing experiences are completely different. We have a many options and the people in Indonesia don’t.  I was able to have many people help me when needed and they were always there. In Indonesia it is usually one person to help with the delivery of a child.  After reading about other countries and their birthing experience I have realized that I am a blessed individual and should not complain over small things.
Crossette, R. (1994). A third-world effort on family planning. The New York Times,